Mainstreet host Stephanie Domet talks with Dalhousie University scientist Boris Worm, and Anisha Rajaselvam who is a grade six student at Sacred Heart School in Halifax.
Investigating shark sanctuaries' effectiveness in protecting and rebuilding shark populations The problem: Is there evidence that shark sanctuaries are already effective in protecting and rebuilding shark populations? The strategy: Evaluation and synthesis of observations made by marine resource users, focusing on experienced scuba divers, in Exclusive Economic Zones, with dive tourism that (i) have existing…
Investigating shark sanctuaries' effectiveness in protecting and rebuilding shark populations The problem: Is there evidence that shark sanctuaries are already effective in protecting and rebuilding shark populations? The strategy: Evaluation and synthesis of observations made by marine resource users, focusing on experienced scuba divers, in Exclusive Economic Zones, with dive tourism that (i) have existing…
Investigating shark sanctuaries' effectiveness in protecting and rebuilding shark populations The problem: Is there evidence that shark sanctuaries are already effective in protecting and rebuilding shark populations? The strategy: Evaluation and synthesis of observations made by marine resource users, focusing on experienced scuba divers, in EEZs with dive tourism that (i) have existing shark sanctuaries,…
Boris Worm tells Stephanie our oceans are becoming more of an industrial landscape, while Canada fails in most of its attempts to help vulnerable species in our waters, and even trips up international initiatives to help.
MAINSTREET NS | Jan 20th, 2015 Oceans on verge of major extinction event; Canada's track record "poor" Boris Worm tells Stephanie our oceans are becoming more of an industrial landscape, while Canada fails in most of its attempts to help vulnerable species in our waters, and even trips up international initiatives to help. LISTEN