Marine Conservation Biology Ocean News Twitter outputted an error: Could not authenticate you.. jQuery(document).ready(function() { moment.lang('en'); }); dt_teaser type="image" target="blank" style="2" content_size="normal" text_align="center" background="fancy" animation="none"] What are we up to? [/dt_teaser] DetailsHome
Marine Conservation Biology Ocean News Twitter outputted an error: Could not authenticate you.. jQuery(document).ready(function() { moment.lang('en'); }); Whats Going On? Whales, Ships, and the Northwest AtlanticJanuary 9, 2023Some good ocean news from 2022January 9, 2023What a ‘fin whale feeding frenzy’ can tell us about the health of our oceansAugust 1, 2022Assessing the effects of climate… DetailsHome
Marine Conservation Biology Ocean News Whats Going On? Whales, Ships, and the Northwest AtlanticJanuary 9, 2023Some good ocean news from 2022January 9, 2023What a ‘fin whale feeding frenzy’ can tell us about the health of our oceansAugust 1, 2022Assessing the effects of climate change on fishery catches of the NW Atlantic OceanMay 4, 2022Donna… DetailsChapman etal 2013 – Give Shark Sanctuaries a Chance – Science
Chapman D, Frisk MJ, Abercrombie DL, Safina C, Gruber SH, Babcock EA, Feldheim KA, Pikitch EK, Ward-Paige C, Davis B, Kessel S, Heithaus M, Worm B (2013) Give Shark Sanctuaries a Chance. Science VOL 339.