Dureuil M, Worm B (2015) Estimating growth from tagging data: an application to north-east Atlantic tope shark Galeorhinus galeus, Journal of Fish Biology, 87, 1389-1410, doi:10.1111/jfb.12830 Dureuil M, Worm B (2015) Estimating growth from tagging data: an application to north-east Atlantic tope shark Galeorhinus galeus, Journal of Fish Biology, 87, 1389-1410, doi:10.1111/jfb.12830 Daniel Boyce, Ph.D.…
Determining habitat use of small cetaceans in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean Cetaceans and pinnipeds in the North West Atlantic Ocean have been put at risk by human imposed threats, such as the shipping industry, for many years. We also have limited knowledge of the whereabouts of these animals within this region. My honours thesis…
Assessing Baleen Whale Incidents Relative to Human Pressure The Northwest Atlantic Ocean (NWA) is home to six baleen whale species that are becoming threatened by increasing human pressures, such as fishing and vessel activity. Hannahs research involves determining where these harmful human and baleen whale interactions are likely to take place in the NWA, and how…
Determining Habitat Use of Small Cetaceans in the North West Atlantic Ocean Cetaceans and pinnipeds in the North West Atlantic Ocean have been put at risk by human imposed threats, such as the shipping industry, for many years. We also have limited knowledge of the whereabouts of these animals within this region. My honours…
Determining Habitat Use of Small Cetaceans in the North West Atlantic Ocean Cetaceans and pinnipeds in the North West Atlantic Ocean have been put at risk by human imposed threats, such as the shipping industry, for many years. We also have limited knowledge of the whereabouts of these animals within this region. My honours…
Determining Habitat Use of Small Cetaceans in the North West Atlantic Ocean Cetaceans and pinnipeds in the North West Atlantic Ocean have been put at risk by human imposed threats, such as the shipping industry, for many years. We also have limited knowledge of the whereabouts of these animals within this region. My honours…
Spatiotemporal Patterns of Demersal Elasmobranch Bycatch in Canadian Atlantic Trawling Fisheries According to recent estimates, 25% of the worlds sharks, skates and rays are threatened with extinction, driven by habitat loss and overexploitation among other factors. In trawling fisheries, demersal elasmobranch species such as skates and rays constitute a large portion of non-target biomass landed…