University Classes

University Classes BIOLOGY 3065: CONSERVATION BIOLOGY Course Description This course offers an introduction to conservation biology: the science of understanding and conserving biodiversity on Earth. Students learn how biodiversity change is assessed and what tools are used to prevent the extinction of species and the disruption of ecosystems. Tutorials involve oral presentations as well as… Details

University Classes

University Classes BIOLOGY 3065: CONSERVATION BIOLOGY Course Description This course offers an introduction to conservation biology: the science of understanding and conserving biodiversity on Earth. Students learn how biodiversity change is assessed and what tools are used to prevent the extinction of species and the disruption of ecosystems. Tutorials involve oral presentations as well as… Details


Atlantic Research and Conservation Centre (ShARCC) The Worm lab was a founding member of the Sharks of the Atlantic Research and Conservation Centre (ShARCC), which has now developed into an NGO that conducts scientific research, develops new methods and educates others to conserve elasmobranch (sharks, skates and rays) species in the Atlantic. The goal of… Details


Atlantic Research and Conservation Centre (ShARCC) Sharks of the Atlantic Research and Conservation Coalition (ShARCC) aims to be a coalition of academia, industry, governmental, and non-governmental organizations. The goal of ShARCC is to promote elasmobranch (sharks, skates and rays) conservation in Atlantic Canada through research, outreach, changes on the water and improved management, ultimately leading… Details