Global marine biodiversity: causes, consequences, conservation
Marine biodiversity in space and time
My research interests have long focused on the interaction between people and marine biodiversity, at a regional to global scale. I am interested in how patterns of marine biodiversity arise, how hotspots of high species richness are formed and maintained. On the more applied side I have been tracking changes in marine biodiversity over time and space, with some emphasis on large marine predators such as sharks, tuna, billfish and whales. I am keen to understand what forces these changes, and what the relative contribution is of human-induced versus natural variation. A lot of my work has focused specifically on the impacts of fishing and climate change, and how they may interact in contemporary ecosystems. From this basis of understanding my students and I try to devise management solution that can help to conserve and restore marine biodiversity worldwide.

Ecosystem oceanography

Boris Worm
Professor in Marine Conservation Biology
Dept. of Biology, Dalhousie University Halifax
Phone: +1 902 4942478 (office)
Contact Information
Principal Investigator
Boris Worm,Professor Biology Department Dalhousie University
1355 Oxford St.
PO BOX 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2