right whale
North Atlantic Right Whale flukes (Eubalaena glacialis), off Grand Manan Island, Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada
DetailsMAINSTREET NS | November 29th, 2016
For this episode of Surf And Turf, guest host Preston Mulligan speaks with Mainstreet’s Oceans Guy Boris Worm, and another scientist who did field work in Greenland.
Boris Worm & Clark Richards talk about melting the Arctic
MAINSTREET NS | Sept 13, 2016 Boris Worm and Clark Richards talk about melting the Arctic For this episode of Surf And Turf, guest host Preston Mulligan speaks with Mainstreet's Oceans Guy Boris Worm, and another scientist who did field work in Greenland. LISTEN DetailsOur Oceans Guy swims with right whales in the Bay of Fundy
MAINSTREET NS | Sept 13, 2016 Our Oceans Guy swims with right whales in the Bay of Fundy Boris tells us about a trip to the Bay of Fundy near Grand Manan Island to study and film North Atlantic right whales. LISTEN DetailsOur Oceans Guy swims with right whales in the Bay of Fundy
MAINSTREET NS | Feb 9th, 2016 Our Oceans Guy swims with right whales in the Bay of Fundy Boris tells us about a trip to the Bay of Fundy near Grand Manan Island to study and film North Atlantic right whales. LISTENOcean School hopes to better engage grades 6-9 in science
Anisha Rajaselvam is a Grade 8 student who worked as an Ocean School peer educator. The CBC’s Felicia Latour speaks with her, and our oceans guy Boris Worm, after learning the initiative will get a quarter million dollars in federal funding.
Ocean School hopes to better engage grades 6-9 in science
Anisha Rajaselvam is a Grade 8 student who worked as an Ocean School peer educator. The CBC’s Felicia Latour speaks with her, and our oceans guy Boris Worm, after learning the initiative will get a quarter million dollars in federal funding.