Protection on the Move: Applying Dynamic Ocean Management to Address Shark Bycatch in Atlantic Canada
Protection on the Move: Applying Dynamic Ocean Management to Address Shark Bycatch in Atlantic Canada Dynamic Ocean Management (DOM) has evolved to fill in the management gaps occurring from static processes. DOM consistently changes in space and time, creating a zone of protection around a species based on their movement. Its ability to be very specific… DetailsMAINSTREET NS | March 16, 2017
Boris Worm drops in on his way home from Lunenburg, where a vessel is being prepared for a voyage around Canada’s four – that’s right, four – coasts.
Protection on the Move: Exploring a Dynamic Ocean Management Option in Atlantic Canada
Protection on the Move: Exploring Dynamic Ocean Management Option in Atlantic Canada Dynamic Ocean Management (DOM) has evolved to fill in the management gaps occurring from static processes. DOM consistently changes in space and time, creating a zone of protection around a species based on their movement. Its ability to be very specific in its… DetailsProtection on the Move: Exploring a Dynamic Ocean Management Option in Atlantic Canada
Protection on the Move: Exploring Dynamic Ocean Management Option in Atlantic Canada Dynamic Ocean Management (DOM) has evolved to fill in the management gaps occurring from static processes. DOM consistently changes in space and time, creating a zone of protection around a species based on their movement. Its ability to be very specific in its… DetailsProtection on the Move: Applying Dynamic Ocean Management to Address Shark Bycatch in Atlantic Canada
Protection on the Move: Applying Dynamic Ocean Management to Address Shark Bycatch in Atlantic Canada Dynamic Ocean Management (DOM) has evolved to fill in the management gaps occurring from static processes. DOM consistently changes in space and time, creating a zone of protection around a species based on their movement. Its ability to be very specific… DetailsProtection on the Move: Exploring a Dynamic Ocean Management Option in Atlantic Canada
Protection on the Move: Exploring Dynamic Ocean Management Option in Atlantic Canada Dynamic Ocean Management (DOM) has evolved to fill in the management gaps occurring from static processes. DOM consistently changes in space and time, creating a zone of protection around a species based on their movement. Its ability to be very specific in its… DetailsJasmine Prior
Protection on the Move: Applying Dynamic Ocean Management to Address Shark Bycatch in Atlantic Canada