

Whats Going On? Whales, Ships, and the Northwest AtlanticWorm Lab student Hannah Solway is featured in Eco Magazine’s, Marine Mammals Special Issue! Read her article and listen to her accompanying recorded podcast here! Whats Going On? Whales, Ships, and the Northwest AtlanticWorm Lab student Hannah Solway is featured in Eco Magazine’s, Marine Mammals Special Issue! Read her article and listen to… Details


2022 Jorgensen SJ, Micheli F, White TD, Van Houtan KS and others (2022) Emergent research and priorities for shark and ray conservation. Endang Species Res. 47:171-203 Jorgensen_etal_20221.pdf View | Download Koubrak O, VanderZwaag DL, and Worm B (2022) Endangered Blue Whale Survival in the North Atlantic: Lagging Scientific and Governance Responses, Charting Future Courses. Int. J.… Details


About the Worm Lab Welcome to the marine ecology lab of Boris Worm at the Department of Biology, Dalhousie University The Worm Lab includes students and postdoctoral fellows engaged in the study of marine biodiversity, its causes, consequences of change, and conservation. There are four major questions that guide our research: How is marine biodiversity… Details