Overfishing in a nutshell

Apr 29, 2014

Despite being the world’s largest rays and providing significant revenue through dive tourism, little is known about the population status, exploitation and trade volume of the Mobulidae (mobulids; Manta and Mobula spp.). There is anecdotal evidence, however, that mobulid populations are declining.



PublicationsAuthorsAll AuthorsAbercrombie DLAdger WNAdl SAlkemade RAllen APÁlvarez-Berastegui DAnderson SAnderson SCAparicio-González AArnold SNAV TownerBabcock EABaco ABarkley ABaumung RBell RBellard CBerkes FBethea DBlack JBlanchard WBoero FBoudreau SBoudreau SABouwman LBowles-Newark NBoyce DBoyce DGBranch TABritten GBritten GLBrown KBrumbaugh DRBurgener VBurgess NButchart SCarlson JCarlson JKChapman DChenery ACheung WChristensen VCinner JECollie JCooper DCosandey-Godin ACrosby KCrowther ADavies AJDavis BDixon MDowd MDunbar RDureuil… Details