Spatiotemporal Patterns of Demersal Elasmobranch Bycatch in Canadian Atlantic Trawling Fisheries

Spatiotemporal patterns of demersal elasmobranch bycatch in Canadian Atlantic trawling fisheries According to recent estimates, 25% of the worlds sharks, skates and rays are threatened with extinction, driven by habitat loss and overexploitation among other factors. In trawling fisheries, demersal elasmobranch species such as skates and rays constitute a large portion of non-target biomass landed… Details

Spatiotemporal Patterns of Demersal Elasmobranch Bycatch in Canadian Atlantic Trawling Fisheries

Spatiotemporal Patterns of Demersal Elasmobranch Bycatch in Canadian Atlantic Trawling Fisheries According to recent estimates, 25% of the worlds sharks, skates and rays are threatened with extinction, driven by habitat loss and overexploitation among other factors. In trawling fisheries, demersal elasmobranch species such as skates and rays constitute a large portion of non-target biomass landed… Details

Isabelle Hurley Research Summary

Isabelle Hurley Research Summary The Earth’s biodiversity is threatened by increasing human impacts, such as climate change, pollution and overexploitation. These impacts are jeopardizing the capacity of ecosystems to provide the goods and services that are vital to sustain human life.   In response to this challenge, in 2009 the concept of planetary boundaries was… Details

Isabelle Hurley Research Summary

Isabelle Hurley Research Summary The Earth’s biodiversity is threatened by increasing human impacts, such as climate change, pollution and overexploitation. These impacts are jeopardizing the capacity of ecosystems to provide the goods and services that are vital to sustain human life.   In response to this challenge, in 2009 the concept of planetary boundaries was… Details

Olivia Pisano Research Summary

Olivia Pisano Research Summary North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) are an endangered species of baleen whale that is endemic to the North Atlantic Ocean. With its population severely depleted from historical whaling, the global population size is currently estimated to be around 400 individuals. Right whales typically migrate annually from their winter calving grounds… Details

Olivia Pisano Research Summary

Research Summary North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) are an endangered species of baleen whale that is endemic to the North Atlantic Ocean. With its population severely depleted from historical whaling, the global population size is currently estimated to be around 400 individuals. Right whales typically migrate annually from their winter calving grounds in Florida… Details