
Camilo Mora

I have research interests in the patterns, processes, threats and conservation of marine biodiversity. I target these issues with a variety of approaches including experimental work, meta-analysis of databases, modeling, and expert surveys.


Coilin Minto

Meta-analysis of multispecies interactions and the affect on recruitment in demersal fish stocks My project focusses on incorporating multispecies effects into latent variable covariance models that have been used to estimate density dependence within species (see Myers and Cadigan, 1993). Using long-term survey data from many different stocks, it is possible to elucidate the underlying…


Jana M. McPherson

My research makes use of species distribution models to document and understand human-induced changes in the occurrence of individual species and in patterns of biodiversity. Species distribution models identify statistical relationships between species occurrence on the one hand and environmental and anthropogenic factors on the other. They are thus useful tools in estimating the likelihood…


Luis O. Lucifora

Publications Journal Articles (19) Garcia, V. B., L. O. Lucifora, and R. A. Myers. The importance of habitat and life history to extinction risk in sharks, skates, rays and chimaeras. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (in press). (18) Colonello, J. H.; L. O. Lucifora & A. M. Massa. 2007. Reproduction of the angular angel…


Sonia Jind

The aim of my project is to compare underwater visual survey methods on their estimates of environmental variables. Specifically, I conducted underwater visual census and stereo-video surveys on the same coral reef sites in a marine protected area in Cayos Cochinos, Honduras. I am currently analyzing the results to see how UVC and SVS differ…
